Thursday, July 15, 2010

As Monsoon Arrives, Admission Frenzy Grips Students Again

It’s that time of the year when there lingers a whiff of freshness in the air. Its time for the monsoons to arrive. After a gruelling hot summer which only seems to get worse by the year, monsoons bring about freshness, cooling down temperatures and spreading greenery all around. It is also the time for admissions when over a million students out from higher secondary education or graduation look to forward their higher education in the field of their choice. A decision that will have a telling effect on their careers ahead, something which many may not be fully aware of at this stage.
Higher education is a prerequisite today in terms of building up on one’s own career. That is why it is highly important that after an individual chooses the preferred career path, one should pay outmost importance to the type of institution in which to pursue the same. Much unlike the monsoons which follows a seasonal pattern, the industry needs change from time to time. Today the industry values skill sets, communication skills and work experience more unlike in the past when just a master’s degree would suffice.
So while most institutions promise a lot and have blatant promises printed in their prospectus and websites, it pays a lot not to heed such places. As compared to IT where every person needs a thorough grounding in software, fields such as Mass communication, Management, Banking & Finance and Commerce, work experience along with supporting theory is a must. In this respect today many distance education institutes give good value with their training and syllabus as they allow you to work simultaneously which is not possible in regular colleges. With modern technology and educational tools, these distance learning providers have managed to involve greater interactivity and have found ready acceptance in the corporate industry.
Whatever institution you might choose at the end of the day, remember to follow the following pointers to avoid dejection later on:
·         Do not go fall for flashy promises in the prospectus. Always make sure to visit the place in person, talk to alumni if possible and research on the net
·         Look for skills needed in your profession and if these are being provided by the college you wish to join
·         Look for options if the institute is providing you to work while you learn
·         Try and know the faculty from before. Industry based faculty is the best as they understand what is in demand
·         Find out if the institute is UGC approved and in case of distance education if it is approved by DEC (Distance Education Council)
·         The more the alumni base of an institute the better it is. For Example: Sikkim Manipal University-Distance Education has more than 3 lakh alumni from 52 countries
·         Lastly but not the least, find out if the institute provides for placement assistance and how well it is recognised in your choice of field as such.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sikkim Manipal University Launches MBA in Banking & Finance

Banking & Finance is a much sought after field in the industry today. It is perhaps the only field to have got a shot in the arm due to recession owing to shortfall in managerial talent. Close to 5lac banking professionals are going to retire in the next five years, which accounts for 50% of the total work force. Add to that the rapid expansion plans of Banks within the country to service a growing work-force and you have about 2 lacs vacancies in this year itself.

That is the reason why SMU-DE has introduced the MBA in Banking & Finance. The 4-semester course will cater to working professionals in banks who would want to position themselves at par with fresh MBAs who would typically join the banking sector as assistant mangers and above. The course syllabus has been created by industry based professionals and SMU-DE faculty, taking cues from market demands of the banking sector. The degree will provide flexibility to upgrade skills across space and time by embracing technology.

The Indian Banking sector has seen an exponential growth since 1991 primarily due to liberalisation, granting license to small private banks and the entry of big private banks into the market. The banking sector is growing at a pace of CAGR of 7% since the year 2000. Even with this robust growth rate, the penetration of banking services stands at a measly 35% in India, which is much lesser as compared to other countries. On the backdrop of such low penetration levels, the Indian Banking sector has a significant potential for growth.

SMU-DE is geared to create trained professionals who will stand up to this demand and meet the challenges going forward. With faculty boasting more than 15 years of industry experience and industry experts for interaction on a weekly basis, the course focuses on all aspects of Banking & Finance and has a high dependency on imbibing skill sets with emphasis on statistical techniques, risk management procedures, communication strategies and financial planning.

Candidates pursuing this course can start from the level of Assistant Managers. A quick recon of current SMU-DE students throws up each and every public and private bank in the country. SMU-DE students are employed across various functions within banks, including audit managers, centre heads at Cooperative banks, Economic Analysts, heading banking operations and so on. Adding on crucial work experience while they learn opens up further opportunities not just in the country but abroad as well.

For more information just visit MBA in Banking and Finance or call 1800 266 7979 toll free.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Changing Dynamics of MBA

It hardly surprises one anymore to find out tens of B-schools located in every locality of the popular metros in the country. In fact the buzz as of now revolves only around IT and Management. However, since the beginning of the new millennium when management studies started to gain ground in the country things have changed widely vis-a-vis the global industry scenario. Today there are close to 2000 B-schools across the country and I am talking about only AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) recognized ones. With every management school promising six figure salaries, high tech courses on the lines of IIMs and free gadgets on enrolment, how do you select the right institute from the one based on empty promises?

The answer lies in understanding the changing dynamics of MBA itself. When management first made its way into the country and a few years after that, every MBA graduate from any institute got picked up with fat pay cheques. However now with lakhs passing out each year, companies and the industry in itself has become extremely cautious hiring candidates who have set skills and work experience only.

At Sikkim Manipal University- Directorate of Distance education we understand the changing needs of the time and have designed our course specifically. Instead of making empty promises and doling out free gadgets we encourage and assist students to work while they study with us. To further stay in sync with the management industry we have got faculty members with more than 15 years in the management field to formulate the syllabus and revise it annually to stay abreast with the market changes. Doing all this has ensured that our management students work for the best public and private sector companies. Thus, when actions peak louder than words, there is no need for empty promises.

Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education (SMU-DE) offers 5 different courses in the field of Management. Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA), BBM in Retail Operations (BBMRO), PG Diploma in MBA (PGDMBA), PG Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA), and MBA are the courses on offer. With heavy emphasis on skill sets and communication techniques, the courses offer you the luxury to study at your own pace and time. This is made possible by EduNxt, the award winning learning platform that supports video chatting with lecturers and industry mentors, counselling, online library and much more. This in turn provides you with ample time to work as well as study thereby increasing your educational qualification while adding on crucial work experience at the same time. These two when combined counts the most in today’s capitalist market.

With markets reviving post the economic slump, India is going to see even more investments in the coming years. This will place a greater demand for management professionals who have the required skill sets and management experience so that they can provide the new company a solid grounding to start. SMU-DE believes in creating individuals who are ready to take on such a future and face any challenge thrown in the way. The big winner however will be YOU.

For more information visit or or call on 1800 266 7979 (Toll free).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Many Species, One Planet, One Future

Close on the heels of world environment day, one cant help but notice the wide range of disasters that are raging on at different places across the globe. Some of them are man made and others are Mother Nature’s fury which is also caused inevitably by mankind. Whether it is the BP oil spill in US, the raging floods in China or the devastating landslides in Poland, the list just seems to swell with unabashed severity as each year passes by. The future is there for all to see. Unless we mend our ways and take immediate corrective actions we either perish off our own accord or Mother Nature chooses to send us all into oblivion in her own devilish ways.

Today we have reached the crossroads of nature whereby half measures and selective action is not enough to undo the damage done. The change has to encompass all the strata’s of the society. The yawning gap between the top most segment of a society and its lowest residents always poses a big challenge in this regard. So how do we spread the awareness? How do we start the change from the grass root level? The answer lies in one of the most potent tools of humanity that dates back to almost the existence of life itself. It is through education.

Education has the power to unite and create awareness about almost anything in life. So when its time to save all living species for one better planet and a better future, education stands as the most trustworthy tool. Starting from elementary stages and going straight to the higher levels, studying about environment and practising to keep it safe, is the need of the hour. Higher education has even a bigger responsibility. Higher education institutes can be the best agents of change as they can involve communities from ground zero, not only by educating the next generation of environmentalists but also through sharing their knowledge and skills with community-based organizations and local governments. But here comes another practical problem. In India alone how do we educate a population of half a billion teenagers when the state machinery itself does not have the adequate resources? The answer is through distance education.

Distance education is without barriers, time or space and involves no economic constraints. In India itself we have pioneers in this field namely Sikkim Manipal University- Distance Education Programme, Symbiosis Institute and IGNOU. Of these top 3, Sikkim Manipal University reaches across 310 towns in the country and has more than 3 lakh students on its rolls. The statistics indicate the power of distance education and is a role model for others to follow. To top it all, Sikkim Manipal University along with Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment, New Delhi (IIEE) offers a host of courses on ecology and environment conservation.

The planet is not only a home to us. Even before the birth of humankind it has been a home to scores of flora and fauna. All along we have co-existed and depended on each other for mutual existence. Today our actions have not just threatened our existence but everyone else’s who are suffering due to our actions. In our goal towards one future, it is thus upon us humans to act and make this one planet a better place to live in.

About Manipal Education

Manipal Education is a pioneering and leading academic services provider in India. With over 50 years in the field of education, the group provides education services across all genres. The group’s presence includes 3 universities - Manipal University, Sikkim Manipal University, and American University of Antigua and over 30 institutions in India, besides colleges & campuses in Antigua, Dubai, Malaysia & Nepal.

Sikkim Manipal University is a unique public-private initiative between the Govt. of Sikkim and Manipal Education. SMU, a state University, is recognized by the UGC, Ministry of HRD and is a member of the Associations of Indian Universities. The Distance Education Council has granted recognition to all Distance Education programs offered under the aegis of SMU (Sikkim Manipal University). The SMU Directorate of Distance Education is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

In addition to formal university programmes delivered through 5 campuses in India & 4 overseas, Manipal Education also offers Distance Education, Professional & Skills Education across multiple genres.

SMU-DE is recognised & appreciated by students for its efficient processes like prompt delivery of study materials to students, EduNxt initiative, conduct of scheduled examinations, on-time declaration of results & swift dispatch of certificates & degrees. Our students number of more than 3,00,000 across 52 countries points to the success of our program.

For further information just visit or or call 1800 266 7979 toll free.